Dr. Marla Sheppard, Superintendent

Dear Longview ISD family,

As I step into the second half of my first school year as your superintendent, I want to hear from you! Please take a moment to share your thoughts on the themes outlined in my 100-Day Report and our draft Vision and Mission Statement.

Each day, I remain deeply inspired by the dedication, talent, and heart I see in every classroom, hallway, and campus across our district. Our students, teachers, and staff make Longview ISD truly special!

We’ve launched a strategic planning process to shape our work over the next five years—building on the insights from my first 100 days and a new Vision and Mission Statement developed in collaboration with our Board of Trustees.

Click here to add your voice now!

This plan must reflect the hopes and priorities of our entire community, and your input is essential. Your perspective will help ensure that this plan truly represents our shared commitment to the success of every child in Longview ISD.

Thank you for your continued partnership and belief in our students.

Go Lobos!

Dr. Marla Sheppard, Superintendent
Longview Independent School District