For Parents

FPMS Grading Guidelines 23-24

Grading guidelines for each grade level or course will be communicated and distributed to students and their parents by the classroom teacher. These guidelines have been reviewed by each applicable curriculum department and have been approved by the campus principal.

Grading Guidelines (All Grade Levels)

Approved grading guidelines for each grade level or course will be communicated to students and their parents by the classroom teacher.

These guidelines establish:

  • A minimum number of 10 assignments, projects, and examinations required for each grading period

  • Student's mastery of concepts and achievement will be communicated by numerical averages in Skyward and based upon the degree of mastery of the objectives which reflect the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).

  • Students shall be allowed a reasonable opportunity to redo assignments or retake tests on which they receive failing grades. The type of redo/retake will be up to the individual teacher and will be based upon the original assignment/assessment.

  • Students will have the number of school days absent plus one additional day to turn in missed work. If there are extenuating circumstances, the teacher and student can make an alternative arrangement.

  • Homework may be graded in a variety of ways. At times, checking for completion is appropriate. At other times, a complete analysis of procedure, content, and/or correct answers is appropriate.

  • Teachers may grant exceptions to this policy, as necessary.